First Law of Sculptural Dynamics / 2001

First Law of Sculptural Dynamics, 2008 installation. Photo: Ron Juilette.

This piece is an expression of the form of motion, through my vision of balance and imbalance as an expression of order and chaos. Through my deepening relationship with nature, I found the motion of the natural world as a joining of the circle and the straight line, two seemly opposite forms. Everything in nature has motion. Anything that has motion spins. Anything that spins, has an axis. An axis is a straight line; the faster the spin, the straighter the line, the straighter the line the more powerful the motion. However, the closer the axis gets to perfect straightness, to perfect order, the closer it also comes to chaos.

First Law of Sculptural Dynamics, 2011 installation at Indiana Univeristy of Pennsylvanis. Photo: Michael Hood.

First Law of Sculptural Dynamics, 2008 installation. Ron Juilette.